Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spring is on it's way

The tropics are mush. Check back in June to see the difference.
The old chicken house in in dire need of a paint job, which it will hopefully get when the temperatures get a bit warmer. I think barn red, or maybe moss green.

My gorgeous Sambucus is tipped over and broken after having several feet of snow upon it. It all slid off the barn roof and piled up.

Whoopsy, she's sideways, but this is Witch hazel Dianne.
Things look more promising in the greenhouse.
I love babies!
Acacia blooming like mad, inside of course.
Plain old Witch Hazel. She's a beauty though.
Variegated Iris is quite happy, looks like I better get the weeds quick, thy are happy too.
Todays work. I started to completely re-vamp this area. Lots more to go but I think it will shape up nicely.

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Cardoon Blooms

Cardoon Blooms
Like thistles on steriods!