Sunday, January 25, 2009

Winter Ramblings

It's been a long cold winter here in the pacific northwest. December was a snow lovers dream, more snow than in the last 50 years. January has brought the gray days of cold and dampness that the PNW is known for. With temperatures remaining below normal it feels colder and damper than usual. Too cold to spend time working outside, the greenhouse is refuge this time of year. So are the seed catalogs and websites. They are too tempting for people like me who are bored with winter and anxiously awaiting the spring breezes and bright green of new growth. I know that there is no logical way that I will ever plant all of them but it gives me hope.... I hope I don't go broke, I hope I can find room in the greenhouse for all the tropical things that I must have even if they need winter coddling, I hope that this year I will get those extra beds done and everything planted in a suitable place. Yes, I will be sitting here spending, dreaming and hoping that spring will arrive soon.

Cardoon Blooms

Cardoon Blooms
Like thistles on steriods!